No one knows it better... I don't think i know everything, I just do.
The most up to date information on urban and socialite life. Which means Gossip Gossip Gossip. Hey they are famous, this comes with the territory.
Saturday, March 24, 2007
In the life of a slut!!
Well maybe that was harsh, but i never seen someone get famous for being a slut. Well except porno stars but hey at least they admit they are. Anyway here are a few pictures of "cough" "cough" the walking STD, i mean Paris Hilton and and Miss Nicole Richie filming The Simple Life which they will be camp counselors on this upcoming season. Yes that is funny in itself, but not as funny as one episode in which they will be couslers for overweight teens. Hmmm yeah that episode is just so messed up. Paris mom also stopped by the set. Also pics below are of Paris and her new man, well for that night at least, sooo long Stavros. If he looks familiar he was the male whore on Depserate Housewives. Coinkydink? i think not. Whores stick together.
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