No one knows it better... I don't think i know everything, I just do. The most up to date information on urban and socialite life. Which means Gossip Gossip Gossip. Hey they are famous, this comes with the territory.
Pictures of Jamie and some chick all up on him. Girl get off my man!!! Just kiddin
Below are pics of Eva visiting fellow Desperate Housewives castemate Marcia Cross and her husband businessman Tom Mahoney. I am glad to see they are friends off the set. I understand why Marcia did not show up to her birthday party Eva just recently had but as far as the rest of the castmates not showing up. What is there excuses?? Is there trouble on the set? Time will show its ugly face.
Mel Gibson exploded in anger last night at Cal State University at Northridge in the San Fernando Valley. Gibson was speaking to a film class about his movies, and several members of the Mayan community came to hear the famous director. After Gibson's presentation, the crowd was allowed to ask questions. Alicia Estrada, an Assistant Professor of Central American Studies at CSUN, challenged Gibson, asking him if he had read about the Mayan culture before shooting the controversial film. Gibson said he had. Estrada persisted, stating that representations in the movie that the Mayans engaged in sacrificial ceremonies and had bloodthirsty tendencies were both wrong and racist. Estrada and others tell TMZ that Gibson exploded in anger, responding, "Lady, F**k off." We're told Gibson also became extremely angry when members of the Mayan community protested on how they were portrayed in the film. The emotional Mayan members were escorted out of the room, and we're told Gibson screamed a parting shot -- "Make your own movie!"Gibson's publicist, Howard Rubenstein, told TMZ, "He needs more anger management training. It's time to be cool"
Yeahhh anger management is what he needs. Just give this guy a drink!