Sunday, December 3, 2006

Britney's Mystery Man

Recently Britney has been going around town YES!! with the manly man Paris Hilton but also with a mystery man. Check out the pics. For all of you die hard Britney fans this face should look familiar, it is because he is one of her very 1st dancers. A little chubbier yes but it is none other than TJ Espinoza. I am glad to see she has stayed in contact with all of them. Click this link to see all of her old dancers. They are starting to reappear like Andre "Dre" Fuentes who was at her birthday party. Hmmmm do I smell a upcoming album and rehearsals going on. I THINK SOO!!! You can see all of the old dancers in the video below. HIT ME BABY ONE MORE TIME.. OMG what a classic. BRITNEY COME BACK COME BACK TO US ALL.