Hello, I am just writing because I see many headlines about your organization blasting celebrities and companies for wearing fur or putting animal derived substances in consumer products. I just would like to know " what's the big deal"?. To be honest animals obviously were not put on earth to be the dominant species or they would walk, talk and defend themselves like humans do. Obviously they were not put into that role, so we as humans can do what we please! If we wear a little fur, then so be it. No one is hurting an animals feelings or devastating their family because some of them are killed for the sake of fur, leather etc. They don't even know the difference! There are so many more HUMAN RIGHTS issues that need to be addressed in the world such as starvation, hunger, homelessness, poverty, the list goes on.. Yet, money that could be used for these causes are being put into perserving animals who do not contribute; and who are not affected by any of these issues! It is a waste of money and valuable time. If the people in this organization were truly concerned about animal well being; you would also protest zoos, circuses, and any detainment of animals by humans at all. I'm sure if animals had emotions, they probably hate being captured or made into house pets; etc. Do you also promote letting animals run wild and free all over towns and neighborhoods? My point of this email really is to say that until ALL or most human rights issues are solved; animals can wait. Let's focus on world issues that effect us in the present, our children, and future generations to come. Thank you for your time.
You go KIGEN!!!
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